OccupyForum Presents…
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CloseGitmo.net –Organize to Close Guantánamo and End US Torture
Monday, June 24th, 2013 from 6:00 – 9:00 pm
Global Exchange–2017 Mission @ 16th Street, 2nd floor
Across from the 16th Street BART Station
San Francisco, California
The decade-long, global struggle to close Guantánamo has been revitalized, inspired by the prisoner’s hunger strike, demanding an end to their indefinite detention and force-feeding.
In the United States, there have been vigils and rallies, calls to the White House and US military, solidarity fasts and even open-ended hunger strikes, citizen petitions, direct actions, and newspaper editorials insisting that President Obama make good on his promise of five years ago to close the prison.
Pressured by the prisoners’ hunger strike and a vigorous public outcry, on May 23, 2013 President Obama restated his goal of shuttering Guantánamo. To ensure this happens, two Vets are on a Hunger Strike (one over 50 days already), 8 others are on long-term fasts, and thousands are doing rolling fasts — all to get Guantánamo closed in a fair and just way, end US torture and indefinite detention, and begin making amends to those persecuted by US detention policy. We recognize the abuse of prisoners through extended solitary confinement, violence, and psychological torture that is pervasive in the US prison system and support prisoners from Pelican Bay, California who will begin a hunger strike on July 8 if their demands for justice are not heard.
CloseGitmo.net is a nation-wide collaborative effort to increase the power of our shared struggle. Together we will achieve justice.

Sherri Maurin, educator, nonviolence trainer, and long-time activist and organizer, has worked on immigration issues for 20+ years, was a core 
member of Nuremberg Actions at Concord Naval Weapons Station, is active in OCCUPY Anti-War and Anti-Nuclear issues, and SOAW. She is assistant to Louie Vitale, OFM, and has supported many long-term hunger strikers as they risk their lives for justice (including the 47-day water-only Veterans Fast for Life (1986). Sherri has travelled extensively in Palestine, Cairo, throughout Central America and all over the US speaking truth to power, and promoting nonviolence.

member of Nuremberg Actions at Concord Naval Weapons Station, is active in OCCUPY Anti-War and Anti-Nuclear issues, and SOAW. She is assistant to Louie Vitale, OFM, and has supported many long-term hunger strikers as they risk their lives for justice (including the 47-day water-only Veterans Fast for Life (1986). Sherri has travelled extensively in Palestine, Cairo, throughout Central America and all over the US speaking truth to power, and promoting nonviolence.
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To preview the ideas covered in tonight’s OccupyForum: