International Day in Support of Victims of Torture
White House/Witness Against Torture/Jan 13, 2012
In a major speech on national security on May 23, President Obama promised to begin releasing the 86 prisoners still held at Guantanamo Bay who were cleared to leave by his inter-agency task force in January 2010 but are still held.
It has been 27 DAYS since President Obama’s speech. 0 men have been released.
There can be No More Excuses on Guantanamo. We will be judged by our actions, not our speeches.
Please JOIN US TO ACT on behalf of the men who remain detained.
In Washington DC on June 26TH, will join allies at The White House for a 12PM vigil. We will have orange jumpsuits and signs bearing the names of each of the 86 men who have been cleared for release, but are still being held.
There will be opportunities to participate in nonviolent resistance as well, led by solidarity hunger strikers Elliot Adams and Diane Wilson
We will provide housing for people coming from out of town at St. Stephens. Please contact [email protected] if you need a place to stay, and if you are considering participating in nonviolent resistance on June 26TH. We will meet at 9am the morning of June 26TH at St. Stephens to make final plans for the day’s scenario(s).
Join the facebook event.