I’m a 48 construction worker from Palm Beach county Florida and I previously owned and operated a commercial dive business for 10 yrs. I’ve worked with my hands all my life and enjoy my main trade which is home renovation. I do carpentry, electrical, plumbing, tile, drywall, masonry, concrete and painting. Self educated and a fan of the study of Physics, Quantum Physics, Geology, Astronomy, Biology and Oceanography. I am just an ordinary blue collar guy of ordinary attributes and education who cares deeply about this country and it’s future and the health of this planet where our children and their children will live and work. I don’t just demand justice for us and our descendents but for every living thing on this planet. I care as much for an Afghani child as much as an American child. The suffering and poverty of this world could easily, in my estimation, be greatly reduced and eventually eradicated if we all work for justice. We cannot leave it up to those with power to do the right thing. They have shown us time and again that they will not if it is not in their best interest to do so.
I am deeply committed to making the world a better, cleaner, healthier and more just place to live. I have worked with Code Pink, Greenpeace, Earth First, and the Occupy Wall Street movement. The let us decide campaign, fighting the Keystone XL pipe line, and against drone assasination and of course the military industrial complex. Activism has become the predominant driving force in my life and I expect it to remain that way as long as injustice, war and environmental destruction exists. Just because there seems no end in sight doesn’t mean that we stop or hang up our boots it just increases the urgency with which we act..