On a solidarity fast since June 15, 2013.
Update: Mike has concluded his hunger strike.
MIKE LEVINSON I am on strike! I am participating with activists across the country and around the world in solidarity with the hunger strikers detained at Guantanamo prison and all victims of torture. I am restricting my diet to nutritional liquids, and I will do so indefinitely until there is progress in our attempt to change United States policy regarding Guantanamo and torture. Nonviolent protest means that each and every one of us has the power to decide to what limits we will cooperate with the establishment and to what limits we will withhold cooperation. I am about to turn 54 years old and live in New Rochelle, New York, originally from Boston. I work actively with the War Resisters League, Witness Against Torture and the WESPAC Foundation Middle East Committee. I’ve travelled to the Middle East twice, the first time in 1992 when I was deported by Israeli authorities for participating in an international peace march, and then I returned to the Middle East in 2009-10 to participate in the Gaza Freedom March, but was prohibited from entering Gaza. Power to the Peaceful! Hi Ho! (Please write to me! Solidarity Forever!)